Life with Pugs

Friday, November 30, 2007

Guess who's back?

MOXIE! I have yet to get a good picture of her, as she is on the run, but before the next few days are over, I hope to have pictures to share.

At Target last weekend, I found the cutest thing. Doggie Christmas pajamas! Of course, I had to buy them, but there was only one set left. Below are Daisy and Oscar modeling them. I would love to get another set, and I have one more Target to check.

And this is just a cute picture of Oscar all cozy in bed. The pugs aren't allowed to sleep with us, but from time to time I put them in bed with me after Jason goes to work. They just love it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! We are headed to a Christmas parade tonight, and it should be fun (but very cold!).

R is for....

....this one was hard (I think they are getting harder as I go), but I am thankful for relationships. The people we know bring so much joy and meaning to our lives. Thank goodness for relationships!

What about you? What are you thankful for that starts with R?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Q is for....

...quilts! I love quilts but never realized the importance of them until we moved to cold Colorado. Q is a hard one, but what are you thankful for that starts with Q?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

P is for......

.....duh! PUGS! I am so thankful that I have my pugs in my life. They are such bundles of joy!
Before I had a dog, I never imagined how much love and joy they would bring to my life, but now I can't imagine my life without them. I love you, Daisy and Oscar!

My Thanksgiving Break

  • Work
  • Family came in that evening
  • Mom brought TONS of boxes of junk from my closet at home so she could take over


  • I was off work but Jason wasn't
  • Made YUMMY cinnamon rolls (premade frozen rolls--I just had to thaw & cook them)

  • took a friend to the airport
  • cooked pies and cassaroles

  • made my first ever pecan pie!

  • took pictures in the snow

  • had lunch at Deby's Gluten Free Bakery

  • some of us relaxed

  • played video games and SkipBo
  • watched "What about Bob?" (well, some watched, some slept)


  • Josh spent a LOT of time on MySpace!

  • watched the parade and the dog show
  • pulled the wishbone (Dad won!)

  • cooked and ate
  • went to the park for a quick walk (it was REALLY cold!)

  • put up the Christmas tree
  • played chicken foot

  • rested


  • pancakes and bacon for breakfast
  • ice skating (Josh and I) even though it was about 20 degrees outside! Brrrrrrr

  • a photo shoot in the park
  • went shopping at the mall!


  • family left
  • looooong nap for me!

So there you have it--a quick rundown of all our activities! It was great fun!

Monday, November 26, 2007

O is for.....

....the ocean! I love the ocean and have been fortunate enough to see several different parts of the ocean.

Oregon coast

Washington coast



St. Thomas

I envy some of you who live close to the ocean, but I don't know if I could get used to the humidity. I love the dry Colorado air! But I sure do like to visit the ocean!

Christmas cards!

It's that time again! If you are intersted in being on our Christmas card list but we do not have your address, please email me your information at jasonleah03 at gmail dot com. Thanks!

N is for......

nieces and nephews! Jason has 3 older sisters, and between them we have 7 nieces and 1 nephew! We don't get to see them often, but when we do, it's lots of fun!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving! My parents and brother drove to Denver to spend the holiday with us. We missed my sister, who was unable to come, but we had a wonderful time together!

Dad carving the turkey

Our nicely set table. I found these white fall plates and cute fall napkins in the dollar section at Target!

Our beautiful centerpiece that Mom arranged

Ready to eat! During our meal, we went around the table and had everyone talk about what they are thankful for. Josh thought it was so cheesy, but I think it is important to remember what the holiday is truly about and not focus just on food.

Josh's annual turkey leg

After our meal

Daisy and Oscar even got lucky enough to get a bite of turkey

After we ate, we headed to the park to walk around and get some exercise. It was REALLY COLD this weekend, so we didn't stay long, but it was nice to get out and move around. Dad threw Josh down in the snow! He he

It was a wonderful holiday for us. I love being able to spend time with my family and can't wait to see them for Christmas! More pictures to come..........

M is for...... mommy! She and I have a wonderful relationship, and she truly is one of my best friends. I love you, Mom!