Life with Pugs

Monday, April 21, 2008

I almost forgot!

I intended to include this with my last post but it slipped my mind. But I wanted to post this in honor of my neighbor!
This is the dress that I wore to the tea. I didn't really intend to match my table, but I wanted a chance to FINALLY wear this fun dress that I recently purchased.
My neighbor and I went swimsuit shopping several months ago (me for the cruise, her for a fun tropical honeymoon), but we were a little distracted. I found this dress and LOVED it but didn't plan on buying it until my neighbor pursuaded me I NEEDED it! So I bought it. But then I had buyer's remorse and took it back. A few weeks later, I decided (with again the help of my neighbor) that I did in fact need it, and I went back and bought it again! I am glad I did, because it really is a nice dress, and I love summer dresses! The picture doesn't do it justice (all it does is shows how short I am!) but the black portions are all embroidered.
Thanks for your shopping help, neighbor! We may have to shop together more often!!!


  • Neighbor, here. Always happy to help encourage you to do your part to stimulate the economy. ;-)

    The dress looks fabulous, dah-ling!

    By Blogger Princess in Galoshes, at 9:22 PM  

  • Beautiful dress, and it looks great on you!!!

    By Blogger Sharla, at 10:12 PM  

  • I think it's a beautiful dress! I wish I could wear dresses like that. But my belly doesn't really allow me to belt things. It just emphasises my over-weight-ness. Blerg.

    By Blogger Nevis, at 7:08 AM  

  • That dress is so pretty and looks so nice on you! Did you have your picture taken by your table????

    By Blogger Punchbugpug, at 10:21 AM  

  • That dress is gorgeous on you! And I agree with RPM's comment, your door looks very tall!

    By Blogger AM, at 5:51 PM  

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