I almost forgot!
I intended to include this with my last post but it slipped my mind. But I wanted to post this in honor of my neighbor!
This is the dress that I wore to the tea. I didn't really intend to match my table, but I wanted a chance to FINALLY wear this fun dress that I recently purchased.
My neighbor and I went swimsuit shopping several months ago (me for the cruise, her for a fun tropical honeymoon), but we were a little distracted. I found this dress and LOVED it but didn't plan on buying it until my neighbor pursuaded me I NEEDED it! So I bought it. But then I had buyer's remorse and took it back. A few weeks later, I decided (with again the help of my neighbor) that I did in fact need it, and I went back and bought it again! I am glad I did, because it really is a nice dress, and I love summer dresses! The picture doesn't do it justice (all it does is shows how short I am!) but the black portions are all embroidered.
Thanks for your shopping help, neighbor! We may have to shop together more often!!!
Neighbor, here. Always happy to help encourage you to do your part to stimulate the economy. ;-)
The dress looks fabulous, dah-ling!
Princess in Galoshes, at 9:22 PM
Beautiful dress, and it looks great on you!!!
Sharla, at 10:12 PM
I think it's a beautiful dress! I wish I could wear dresses like that. But my belly doesn't really allow me to belt things. It just emphasises my over-weight-ness. Blerg.
Nevis, at 7:08 AM
That dress is so pretty and looks so nice on you! Did you have your picture taken by your table????
Punchbugpug, at 10:21 AM
That dress is gorgeous on you! And I agree with RPM's comment, your door looks very tall!
AM, at 5:51 PM
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