Life with Pugs

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When it rains......

you know the rest! Whoever said bad things come in threes should now know that we have reached our three!!!

Jason leaves for work each weekday morning around 5:30 am. I usually stay in bed for a few more minutes before I get up and get ready. Well this morning went as usual, but he went out and then came back in a few short minutes later and said "will you take me to work today?" I thought that his car was either stuck in the snow or wouldn't start (which would have made me happier), but no, someone busted out the driver's side window and took our stuff. How rude! I had to park the car a little ways down from our house so it wouldn't get stuck in the snow, and the street light was not working where I parked it. None of the things taken were really important, but it just makes me mad more than anything. They did rip out the radio and take my ski pants and back-up ski jacket, along with my season pass for skiing (which I really hope I can replace, because we have only been up twice and it cost a pretty penny). And I LOVED my ski pants :( . Other than those things, there was nothing important in the car thankfully.

Jason keeps reminding me that it could have been much worse (which it could have), but it still makes me really mad inside. Recently punchy wrote about her son's snowboard being stolen, so now I can somewhat relate to that feeling. I can't believe people are just so rude and inconsiderate to do such mean things.


  • Oh no - that's scary. I hate when things like that happen to people - it's such an invasion. (((HUGS)))
    Hope the rest of the week is better.

    By Blogger Manda Girl, at 8:50 AM  

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    By Blogger Lisa, at 10:06 AM  

  • Horrible! And taking your ski stuff… definitely hitting you where it hurts! I am sorry it happened, so frustrating! I will never understand why people do things like that. Hopefully this is the end of the bad stuff!! :)

    By Blogger Lisa, at 10:08 AM  

  • Why can't people just earn what they need instead of stealing from others???? Sorry they got your ski pass - you better report it right away...maybe they can be caught!

    By Blogger Punchbugpug, at 10:23 AM  

  • i don't know what you are talking about.. its ONLY been like 11 months!! :) I am trying to do better!

    By Blogger Lisa, at 12:03 PM  

  • I remember when my car was broken into, it made me so mad! It was such a pain to deal with the insurance company and having to pay the deductible etc. It happened in another city too and I had to drive home (4 hours) with no stereo! I hope your luck improves! Maybe you will win something to make up for all this?!

    By Blogger Christine & Giggs, at 9:06 PM  

  • OMG that is awful! I'm so sorry that happened. I'm sure if you report it to the police and show your police report to the ski people they will replace it. I hope so anyway!

    By Blogger Shannon, at 10:36 PM  

  • Oh, I hate to hear that. It's such a violation to have your things damaged and stolen. Thugs are everywhere and I can only hope they get what they deserve in the end. I used to park outside of our garage instead of inside of it. I had left my purse in the car one night and forgot to lock the doors. I had these OLD silver dollars in my wallet and they were gone the next day...I guess it was young kids that went into my car because they took the silver dollars and cash money but not credit cards or anything else...I was real lucky. No more leaving my purse in the car.

    By Blogger Sandy, at 11:55 PM  

  • I'm so sorry! My car was broken into in Abilene and they got my purse, including my Social Security card and checkbook. They proceeded to write checks at Wal-Mart gas stations for cigarettes and beer. Not only that, but I had a Mustang at the time, and they broke out the back window that cost 3 times what the front windshield would have cost to replace. The worst part is that it makes you feel vulnerable. I'm sorry that you had to experience that!

    By Blogger Carissa, at 7:21 AM  

  • Maybe you can call the ski resort and tell them someone stole your pass. They may be able to track it and catch the thief that took it? I am so sorry to hear about this. I have had my car broken into twice, and it is such a feeling of violation.

    By Blogger Goodboy Norman Featherstone, at 7:31 AM  

  • I'm so sorry that happened to you and can relate to this story. When I was in college this also happened to me but I didn't have anything in my car to take. Who can understand why people do these things??

    At least you're both safe!

    By Blogger Mrs.D, at 8:47 AM  

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