Life with Pugs

Saturday, August 04, 2007

An Afternoon Snack

Well, Oscar certainly keeps things exciting around here. All week, I have had a soft-sided cooler sitting in the kitchen floor from our last camping trip. I had no idea there was a Hershey's bar, plus a chocolate peanut Kashi bar, inside the zipper pocket. The pugs did not bother it whatsover all week. Who knows what possessed them, but yesterday evening when Jason got home, there were bits of chocolate bar and Kashi bar wrapper all over the floor--and no chocolate anywhere! Apparently the puggies had a little snack while we weren't home! It must have happened very quickly, because I came home after work to feed them, and then left to run a quick errand. Maybe they were mad at me because I left them again! I really think Oscar ate the most, because when I picked him up, his breath smelled like chocolate! Jason did some on-line research and seems to think he'll be okay since it's milk chocolate, so I guess we'll wait and see before rushing anyone to the vet. They ate the wrapper and everything! (I blame it all on Oscar because things like this never, ever happened when we just had Daisy. But I still wouldn't trade him for anything!)


  • That must have been a terrible feeling -- glad everyone seems to be okay, though!

    By Blogger gayle, at 11:47 PM  

  • Oh yikes! We will be praying they are ok! Those 2 (well, Oscar.. but he is SO cute!!) keep you on your toes Leah!! Yes, I have heard that too..that the milk choco is the kind that is less dangerous, so that is a good thing!

    By Blogger Coco, at 2:07 AM  

  • Leah...our Sandy once got into a milk chocolate bar and we had to rush her to our local animal hospital...she needed her stomach pumped..before that though she was acting very strange...sort of like dog them carefully for at least 24-48 hours...


    By Blogger BOB, at 11:15 AM  

  • We hoping you be okay.

    Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy

    By Blogger Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy, at 4:47 PM  

  • Oh, hope they are all okay! I've had a chocolate scare as well, but all turned out fine. I think Winston and Sela have iron stomachs. There was also an incident with poisettia. Turned out fine as well but stressed me out! Pugs just don't like to see us "bored", I think!

    By Blogger Page, at 9:43 AM  

  • Oh, boy, I'm glad they are okay! That's scary. But I wish my pugs breath smelled like chocolate!

    By Blogger Sandy, at 1:32 AM  

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