Worse than Kids
Okay, so I have never really had any kids of my own, so maybe I am not qualified to make the above statement. But sometimes I think my dogs are much worse than kids could ever be. Today started out exciting. Oscar was chewing on a rawhide bone and, being the pig (not pug) that he is, swallowed a really big piece of slimy, half-chewed rawhide. I am pretty sure it got stuck on the way down, because he was breathing very loudly and kept swallowing hard to try to get it down all the way. I thought I would have to take him to the doggie ER! He finally got it down and all was well. But what really got me happened this evening. I was working on the computer, doing some research, and I hear Daisy growling like she does when a firece game of tug-of-war is occurring. Now tug-of-war is typically an okay game, but tonight the pugs were in big trouble. You see, I bought a very cute, yellow knitted hat at a craft sale yesterday. I laid it on the coffee table along with my other purchases. I decided this evening to go investigate the tug-of-war and you guessed it--the object being tugged was my cute new hat! Thankfully, it is still intact but two pugs were in big trouble. Of course, they didn't care. At least they didn't eat any animal body parts. Ewww!!!
As a family with two dogs ourselves, we can definately relate! Dogs really can seem worse than kids sometimes, but at the same time I think we love them almost as much as if they were kids!
Greg & Bobbie Baggett, at 8:23 AM
I agree...I love those pugs SO much!
Leah, at 12:34 PM
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